Persistent back pain of 5 years leaves during worship
The testimony: Four years ago, I suddenly developed pains in my back of which I could not tell the cause. The pains persisted and would intensify whenever I would stand for long periods.
On the 8th of June 2017, I attended Phaneroo 142 fellowship at the UMA upper gardens. While I was there, we were standing worshiping the Lord and as we went on, I came to a point of realising that the pain in the back was not present despite the fact that I had been standing for a prolonged time.
I also found that I could now bend easily with NO PAIN at all and do all things I previously could not. From that day, the back pains that had lasted a long time ceased!
Glory to God! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Denis Tukwasiibwe
Posted in: Healing Chronicles
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