Latest Past Events

Night of Prayer

Phaneroo Grounds Phaneroo Grounds, Kampala

The Lord God, Almighty is our portion and inheritance. He is our saving strength, the glory and lifter of our heads. With everything we bear, we dance and rejoice in His faithfulness and loving kindness. What a Mighty God we serve. Hallelujah

Phaneroo Ministries International welcomes you to a glorious NIGHT OF PRAYER experience on December 31st, 2024 from 6pm EAT at the PHANEROO GROUNDS, NAGURU.

Entrance is free.

Global Inter-University Conference

Phaneroo Grounds Phaneroo Grounds, Kampala

To restore His divine order, God has made the anointing available for our generation to draw from His full counsel and delve into His bottomless and endless possibilities.

Join us on Saturday 9th November 2024 at Phaneroo Grounds, Naguru for the GLOBAL INTER-UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE with Apostle Grace Lubega.


Jinja Crusade

Jinja Railway Grounds Jinja Railway Grounds, Jinja City

Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the labourers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust labourers into His harvest. (Matthew 9:37 - 38 AMPC)

You're warmly invited for this life-changing event with Apostle Grace Lubega at Jinja Railway Grounds, Jinja City from 18th to 19th October 2024.

Revival has come to the East!