Phaneroo Devotion

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As a Christian, it is not about profit first, it is God first. If you examine your business against this
Every child should be a better version of their parent.
For any parent, the focus, should always be about what you leave IN your children and not what you leave
Everything in life has been designed with a core. You are a spirit, have a soul and live in a
Contemplation unearths the core of things.
You must grasp what happened to you when you received the lordship of Jesus Christ. He severed all ties to
In communion with God, we either conceive seed [which by the standard of Luke 8:11 is the Word of God]
Full time ministry should not be translated to mean full time and total dependence on church resources for livelihood. Full
When creation groans for the manifestation of the sons of God, it is groaning for what God has placed inside
Completeness and wholeness are an intrinsic part of the nature of God. He does not do things by half measures.
If you find that you have repeatedly spoken to something to change and seen no results, more confession and declarations
The Holy Spirit is the great enabler and impossibility specialist.
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