Phaneroo Devotion

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What changes a man is the revelation of Jesus Christ. This is the miracle of Epignosis. To see and know
God's silence is an invitation to silence. He remains quiet so that you too can become quiet because when you
You must know that attempts by a believer to achieve divine purpose through human effort can short circuit the voice
The Lord does not waste experiences. If He allows something to happen, it can only be for your good. Don't
While the Holy Spirit can heal a man by His power, it is His teaching that brings wholeness. The power
We see Jesus. We do not look at how bad the situation is, we look to Him. We see Him
If you cannot replenish yourself, how can you replenish the world? If you cannot have dominion over yourself, how can
Owning an age means one has the authority to influence the systems and policies of that time. One decision by
Maturity in the Christian faith demands that you sieve who can speak into your life and who should not. Always
One of the fundamental truths about walking in the spirit is that one can not walk and not talk. You
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