To Value Access

Apostle Grace Lubega

Hebrews 10:29 (NLT) Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us.

To Value AccessWe live in a generation that erroneously places a lot of value on scarcity.

What this means is that it is easy to despise something or someone because they are readily available. They believe that the harder something is to access, then the more precious it is.

I have seen this pattern in how some Christians treat men and women of God. They treat with familiarity and contempt, those that have made themselves easily accessible and treat with honour and respect those that can only be accessed through a legion of secretaries.

This pattern is also in how some treat God. They have seen the demonstration of power and healing far too many times that they can dishonour the presence of God because His power is something they see every day.

For some, it is revelation. They treat as common that which is uncommon because it is readily available.

You ought not to attach value to what you cannot access and devalue what you have access to.

You pay a higher price when you dishonour what is expensive and available.

It means you do not know how to receive love.

Access is a privilege that should never be abused.

No matter how available a man of God is, how available revelation is, how available God’s power is, always maintain an attitude of humility and reverence towards them.

FURTHER STUDY: 1 Peter 1:8, Matthew 7:6


Access is a privilege that should never be abused. No matter how available a man of God is, how available revelation is, how available God’s power is, always maintain an attitude of humility and reverence towards them.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for the access that I have in you. The Bible says that by faith we have access to grace. I understand the boundaries of liberty and can never abuse them. I walk in wisdom toward those of authority that have gone ahead of me, I treat your Word with reverence. In this knowledge, I grow in the things of the spirit, In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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