Of Freedom And Service

Apostle Grace Lubega

Exodus 9:1 (KJV); Then the Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.

Of Freedom And ServiceEvery Christian has been called into a life of service to God. He snatched you out of the hand of the enemy, blessed you with eternal freedom so that you may serve Him.

The service that God requires of us does not lead to bondage because He is a good and faithful master. On the other hand, any service to the enemy is a service in bondage and will end in destruction.

If you have been in the gospel for a while and are not serving God, it does not matter how wealthy you are or what your station is in life, you are bound.

It is our service to God that truly defines our freedom in the gospel. This has nothing to do with how much spare time you have on your hands; it has nothing to do with your schedule.

There is a man with no job, no pressing business commitments or family engagements who is doing nothing for the kingdom. That man is bound. There is another who is too busy to spare a moment for the gospel; he is running with three jobs to make ends meet. This man is also bound.

Service to God has everything to do with your heart. Regardless of how hectic your life is, if your heart pants after service to God, you will always find a way to serve.

We have been anointed to serve Him. It is our responsibility and privilege as children of the Most High God.

You must find something to do for the kingdom. It doesn’t matter how meagre the task, serve in the blessed assurance that you are doing it unto God!

FURTHER STUDY: Hebrews 6:10, Colossians 3:23


Service to God has everything to do with your heart. If your heart pants after service to God, you will always find a way to serve.

PRAYER: Loving Father, I thank you for this instruction in wisdom. You have delivered me from the hand of he that was mightier than I. I am free to serve and I do so with diligence and excellence.
I am available for the work of the ministry and for the gospel because herein is my true liberty. There is no greater honour than to serve the Living God. I rejoice in this truth every day, to the glory of your name, Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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