Turning Hearts

Apostle Grace Lubega

Malachi 4:6(KJV); And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

In our generation today, I have seen sons hurt by their fathers. I have also seen fathers wounded by their own sons. Ministries today are bleeding because of these wounds.

If these wounds do not heal, many will continue to bleed on the people that did not cut them.

That is why we have some people ‘washing the dirty linen of the church’ in public—they are bleeding on the people who did not cut them.

This is the reason why some Christians are on social media hurling insults at each other across the great and utterly indifferent divide of cyberspace—they are bleeding on those that did not cut them.

God wants the hearts of fathers turned to children and the hearts of the children turned to the fathers. That is the order dictated by our theme scripture. Firstly, it is the fathers that are under an obligation to turn to the children; to seek reconciliation and build bridges.

If a father fails to do this, then as a son, take up the initiative, offer the olive branch, and reach out.

Go to the father, not as a father but as a child. Please note that when you return from such an experience, you return as a father because you will have demonstrated maturity.

In that way, God will entrust you with a generation.

Seek peace. Pursue love.
God’s name, be praised!

FURTHER STUDY: Luke 1:16-17; Psalm 34:14

God wants the hearts of fathers turned to children and the hearts of the children turned to the fathers. That is the order dictated by our theme scripture. Firstly, it is the fathers that are under obligation to turn to the children; to seek reconciliation and build bridges.

PRAYER: Lord, I thank you for this truth. Thank you because this wisdom works in me, to pursue peace, love and reconciliation. I choose to forgive where there has been pain and disillusionment; to let go and let God. This is for the sake of the kingdom and for the sake of the gospel. To the glory of your name, Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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