Of Mastery Of Words – 1

Apostle Grace Lubega

James 3:2(KJV); For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

Of Mastery Of Words - 1There are people who know how to confess right. They have practiced this over and over again but they have not seen the results of these confessions because they do not have mastery over their words.

Speaking in line with the Word of God is a very good thing. The ability to curb your tongue from uttering negativity is divine. However, you must reach a place of mastery in this.

There is a Christian who finds himself speaking negative things over situations in his life and then quickly remembers to speak positively. He checks his account and says, ‘Oh, I am so broke today!’ He then remembers that Christ was made poor that he may be rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).

So he confesses, ‘ I am rich, I am rich.’ He may wake up with an ailment in his body and moan, ‘I am so sick…’ He then quickly remembers the scripture that says ‘In Zion, none will say. “I am sick.” So he confesses, ‘I cannot be sick. I cannot be sick!’

If you still find yourself cancelling your negative confessions, you have not yet attained mastery over your words.

Mastery is when your spirit is exercised enough to speak in line with the Word no matter the situation.

Mastery is when your reflexes are Word reflexes. Mastery is when your reactions are Word reactions.

Mastery is tested the most when one is under pressure. How do you respond when everything seems to be against you?

Exercise your spirit to have only positive utterances even in the most intense circumstances.
Glory to God!

FURTHER STUDY: Philemon 1:6, Psalms 19:14


Mastery over words is tested the most when one is under pressure. Exercise your spirit to have only positive utterances even in the most intense circumstances.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this truth. The words on my lips and the meditations of my heart are pleasant unto you.
No matter the circumstance, I confess in line with your Word. I am perfect in speech and the communication of my mouth acknowledges who I am in Christ at all times. No storms compromise the confession of my lips. No fires can consume the truth of the Word in my mouth. No mountains can dry the truth of who I am in you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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