A Hungry Spirit

Apostle Grace Lubega

James 4:3(KJV); Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

A Hungry SpiritHunger for the things of God guarantees that we will receive them. Lust on the other hand is the reason why some people never receive from God.

Like our theme scripture reveals, many people do not receive an answer to prayer because they ask out of lust.

Some times, Christians mistake lust for hunger. Infact, it is amazing what a man may do out of lust for the things of God. However, it is important to differentiate between lust and hunger.

Lust ends with the self, while hunger acquires a responsibility. When the Bible says ‘to whom much is given, much is required’ (Luke 12:48), it means that much is given to hungry men in the same measure that much is required from them.

The Bible says in Ezekiel 22:30 that the Lord sought for a man to stand in the gap and failed. This is because there were men that were available but lusting. God was searching for a hungry man.

When you truly hunger, you will always receive from the Lord. God says in Matthew 5:6 that those that hunger and thirst for righteousness shall be filled.

So you must be ready to examine yourself child of God. Why do you want to be anointed by God? Why do you want a ministry? Why do you want that promotion? Why do you want that business deal?

For those who are hungry, God is more than ready to fill them.

FURTHER STUDY: Matthew 5:6, Luke 12:48


Lust ends with the self, while hunger acquires a responsibility

PRAYER: Loving Father, I thank you for this Word. Help me God, by your grace, to always know the difference between when I am lusting and when I am hungering. Deal with my heart to have a genuine feeling after the things that you desire. That I will seek you out of the burden that you have placed upon my heart and not my own selfish needs. That I will always be quick to rethink, reevaluate and change my reason for doing things. To the glory of your name, Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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