A Life Without Reproach

Apostle Grace Lubega

Joshua 5:9(KJV); And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day.

A Life Without ReproachGilgal was not in the Promised Land, it was in the wilderness.

However, something significant happened at Gilgal. At Gilgal, the children of Israel were circumcised by Joshua and when he did so, the Bible says that the Lord rolled away from them the reproach of Egypt.

There are Christians who are in the wilderness and have the reproach of Egypt.

There are Christians who are in the Promised Land and still bear the reproach of Egypt. There are Christians who are in the wilderness without the reproach of Egypt and there are Christians who are in the Promised Land without the reproach of Egypt.

The difference between these kinds of Christians is whether or not they were circumcised. This circumcision is that of the heart.

When the heart is circumcised, it hears God distinctively. A circumcised heart in the wilderness is better than an uncircumcised heart in the Promised Land.

It is better to hear God through your wilderness experience than fail to hear Him when you are enjoying increase and abundance.

In the wilderness, God will separate you from anything and anyone you might depend on, you may feel abandoned, tried and tested but it is important that your heart is circumcised, that you continually hear and discern God’s voice.

What makes any wilderness experience critical to your life are the things that God will minister to your heart when you are alone, in solitude and away from the crowd.

What you hear through your wilderness experience will define you when you are launched into abundance, it is what will humble you when blessings start to follow you and will continually keep you before God when the anointing upon your life starts to attract thousands of people.

God’s name be praised.

FURTHER STUDY: Colossians 2:11, Romans 2:28-29


In the wilderness, God will separate you from anything and anyone you might depend on, you may feel abandoned, tried and tested but it is important that your heart is circumcised, that you continually hear and discern God’s voice.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this Word. Thank you for the experiences that you continually take me through. Thank you for those moments of separation. My heart has been circumcised by the Spirit and you deal with me on matters of eternity. I hear you with distinction and clarity. These words are the echoes and signposts on the path of my destiny, pointing me to the end that you have designed for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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