Archive for Healing Chronicles

God set me up!

For 5 years I suffered with fibroids in my uterus. Because of them, my stomach swell to the extent that I looked like I was 6 months pregnant.

I could not lie on my tummy or on my back, because the weight on my stomach would make it very uncomfortable. Doctors had recommended surgery to remove the fibroids but I was hesitant, having already undergone caesarian section operations related to child-birth. I told myself that I did not want to undergo a fourth surgery!

Although I was a Christian, I was going through a phase in my life where I was not too keen to seek fellowship opportunities, even when I was hoping for a divine solution to my health condition.

On Saturday, 13th August 2016, I wanted to catch-up with a friend. So, I called her up and she told me that she was attending fellowship at the Lugogo Hockey grounds and she invited me to join her there. I would later learn that it was a healing service that had been organized as part of the second Phaneroo fellowship anniversary celebrations.
The worship was intense! There was such an atmosphere of life! I could feel God’s manifest presence was saturated in this place!

After worship, the man of God (Apostle Grace) stepped forth and led the congregation in more worship and prayer. He then started to mention the various conditions that were being healed under the power of God. Among them, he mentioned that fibroids and all kinds of swellings were disappearing. At this point, I could feel my stomach tucking in!

He later called out people who had healed of fibroids. My friend urged me to check myself. I found that my TUMMY had REDUCED in size! I touched the area where I used to feel the swellings, I did not feel them anymore! The SWELLINGS had DISAPPEARED!

That day when I went back home, I tried lying on my tummy and also the back. I was able to sleep comfortably to in these positions! Three days later, my tummy size has further reduced. Moreover I AM COMPLETELY PAIN FREE.

God set me up for his divine pain-free operation! Hallelujah!

Sarah Nambasa

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Pain Free

In 2015, I was in a motor-cycle accident which resulted in a fracture in my right leg. The doctors gave me something to wear around it to help ease the pain during the therapy period of about 5 months.

However, I continued to feel pain in my right leg even after that therapy period had ended. I could not wear closed shoes because of the intense pain.

While attending Phaneroo fellowship on 7th July 2016, I went to be prayed for at the end of the service. While there, Apostle Grace laid his hand on me . I FELT THE PAIN LEAVE IN THAT INSTANT! I can now WALK WITH EASE moreover in closed shoes. I AM COMPLETELY PAIN-FREE! Glory to God!

Ms. Monica Muhigwa

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God Restored My Daughter

In early 2015,  I met Apostle Grace at  the Phaneroo offices.  The purpose of my visit there was to seek prayer for my sister who was not well. 

During our meeting,  (it was short , around 10 minutes), Apostle got a word of knowledge that I had a daughter who was going to go crazy and asked that I bring her for prayer if possible.  I really didn’t understand the “going crazy” bit and thought perhaps, it meant she would go wild, partying and dating.  I did not pay attention to the word of knowledge nor did I pray about it.

A few months later, at the end of my daughter’s second year at university abroad, she called me saying that she had been in deep depression and had been referred to a Psychiatrist.  In addition, she had failed many exams, and had been wrongly accused of exam malpractice.   She had to face the University Board to decide her fate.  If found guilty of exam malpractice, she would never be accepted into a credible university anywhere in the world.

I was crushed  and confused as my daughter had always been a brilliant girl,  and of high integrity.

All of a sudden,  I remembered the word of knowledge Apostle Grace had received on this issue, earlier during the year.  I ran back to see him and he prayed for her (for about 5min).

Two months later, my daughter’ s University made a decision that she be allowed to repeat the year, AT NO COST (i.e. no school fees) and she was found NOT GUILTY of exam malpractice.  The bad record was removed from her file!

Since then, my daughter has successfully passed the academic year  she repeated, and is in FULL HEALTH.

I  thank Apostle for praying for us and I give all the Glory to God for my  daughter’s restoration!

Mama A

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Death Has No Hold On Me

I had pain in my lower abdomen (around the pelvic area) for about a month. This was due to a swelling that was growing in that part of my body. The swelling had grown to the extent that I looked like one who was pregnant! I was in a lot of pain and very uncomfortable. I could hardly eat because of the discomfort. The swelling placed so much pressure on my lower abdominal area that I felt like my uterus was about to come out.

Visits to different medical doctors on three occasions only suggested the worst about the condition I was suffering from. On one visit, medical tests suggested that too many toxins in my body were causing the swelling. The third doctor told me that the swelling had become cancerous and that I needed to go for an operation to remove the tumor.

On Thursday the 14th of July 2016, my daughters encouraged me to go for prayers at the Phaneroo fellowship. I was in a lot of pain but I agreed to attend with the hope for divine healing. I did not want to undergo an operation a second time (having undergone one for child-delivery).
When Apostle Grace stepped up to preach, he led a worship session during which he kept saying “I feel an atmosphere for healing in this place”.

Among the many cases, he mentioned that there was a lady in the congregation who had an issue with her stomach and that he needed to pray for her. I first hesitated to go forth. Someone else went forth but he kept insisting that the particular person he was talking about was still in the congregation. After this emphasis, I felt that it was me he was referring to and so I went forth. My stomach was so big that he asked me whether I was pregnant. He laid hands on me and as he prayed, he mentioned that he had sensed a spirit of death and that it was witchcraft that was disturbing me.

The PAIN LEFT INSTANTLY. I felt completely different. It has been two weeks since and I have NO PAIN, the swelling has significantly reduced and is continuing to do so as the days go by. I could not eat, but I now comfortably eat when I want to. Moreover DEATH HAS NO HOLD on me! I THANK GOD THAT I AM DELIVERED Halleluyah!

Amuge N. Jessica

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Delivered From Long Time Masturbation

I got saved at campus in my first year. However, my life was a mess! I had masturbated since my primary five and had a very perverted mind.
When I grew up, the effects of this habit were grave. I would get depressed, sweat, and have terrible headaches. It worsened when I gave my life to Jesus and joined ministry.

Every time I did it, I remembered the gospel and would get disturbed. Some times, it was another way of relieving stress and pressure. It was so bad that a day would not end without me masturbating, it became compulsive.

I wanted to stop but it seemed to get worse. It got to the point where I would watch pornographic material too! I could not tell any one what I was going through for fear of being bad-mouthed. I hated myself so much and most times failed to pray or attend Bible study because of it!
If I attended Bible study, I always spent that time thinking of what I did.

I attended Phaneroo one day (I don’t quite remember the edition) but while there, Apostle Grace said, “it’s one thing to have the word and speak it and another to have certainty.” He said that there is a difference between willingness and obedience.
From that time on I was delivered and have never looked back! For some reason, during that Phaneroo service, I appeared at the throne of Jesus with confidence and not while victimizing myself. Somehow, I sorrowed to repentance and walked away from perversion. I remember crying a lot but all I could hear the Lord say to me was, “I LOVE YOU.”
When I went home, I opened my Bible and went through all the scriptures he had taught about that day. Later at night, as I lay sleeping, I dreamt the whole sermon.

I had masturbated almost all my life until this year in May when Apostle Grace preached a message that got me out of it. It means a lot to me. He whom the son makes free is free indeed. I HAVE NEVER LOOKED BACK. Hallelujah.

Victoria N.

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Delivered by Knowledge About Giving

As a christian, I knew about giving, tithe and offertory, a little. However, I later discovered that it was just head knowledge without revelation whatsoever!

With this knowledge, I always saw myself as one who did not have enough. In my mind I always lacked and because of this, when I would come to church I would “tip” God, I used to just give him some little change here and there.
In mind I had the conscience that if I gave more I would lack.
Because according to me, honestly I would do the maths , put all my needs and wants, then tithe, offertory, giving partnership, siblings, family, etc and it couldn’t total up. I always fell short. So I could not give God.

But during Phaneroo episode 69 where Apostle Grace preached the sermon titled, God or Mammon, he made a statement that DELIVERED ME!
Just one statement and he qualified it with scripture. He said, ” The main reason Christians don’t give is because they fear they are going to lack”
He had me; its like God had told him about me!

I pondered and meditated over that statement and it was so true in my case.
And he proceeded to say, “who told you that you will lack?”; ” is it God?, surely not!”

That day, I returned home asking myself, ” Joshua Ndugga, who told you that if you give, that if you partner you will lack”?
God dealt with me during that service and deep down in me I knew my *day of deliverance had come!

I immediately believed God’s word! . I lost the* consciousness that I can ever lack.

From that day, I have been giving in ways I myself get shocked at; I give in absolute freedom and assurance that I cannot lack because God’s word says exactly that.

And God has been extremely faithful!
He enables me to bless people in ways I never imagined! This has opened up people’s hearts to me and I end up preaching Jesus to them and winning souls to Christ.

I have SEEN INCREASE in my finances (salary and business), revelation, knowledge of God and the demonstration of his power. These are things I did not think I could ever attain.

Glory to God! I am thankful to God for the ministry of Apostle Grace and Phaneroo.

Joshua Ndugga

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Healed of a 3 months old pain in the Ear

I used to work at a call centre. Because of the nature of the work, I at some point started to feel pain in my right ear. The pain increased in severity within 3 months. A visit to the Medical Doctor suggested that my ear drums were deteriorating by the day!

One day, a friend shared with me that he had a vision in which he could see that I had an ear problem and that he could see that the problem was being sorted. On Thursday, 9 June 2016, while at the Phaneroo service, I decided to go for prayer over this issue (I had the pain at the time). While on the queue, I started to feel relief even as Apostle Grace was still praying for the person who was in front of me! By the time he laid hands on me, I HAD RECEIVED MY HEALING!

I have NO PAIN since then. I later went back for check-up and the DOCTOR CONFIRMED THAT MY EAR IS FINE! Glory to God!

Pauline Nalwanga

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Delivered from Witchcraft associated Nausea

I developed nausea a few days after recovering from a travel sickness following a trip I had made. Although the feeling was intermittent, it would present with too much discomfort that I would hardly sleep at night. I suffered this ordeal for 5 whole days! It was terrible, sometimes it would even manifest with diarrhea!

On Thursday the 16th of June 2016, I woke up feeling a strong unction to attend Phaneroo service! Even though I am a regular attendant, the urge from the Holy Spirit on this day was so strong that I resolved to arrive at the fellowship venue much earlier than I usually do. Little did I know that the Lord was urging me on to my deliverance!

At the service, when Apostle Grace stepped up to start preaching, he mentioned, “There is a lady here who has been having nausea for about a week; Come now, I need to pray for you”. While he said this, I knew it was me he was talking about but I hesitated to step out (I was not feeling the nausea at this point). He then repeated himself and that second time I started to shake in my legs! I knew for sure that it was me that he was talking about. So I stepped out and went to be prayed for.

When Apostle laid hands on me and started to pray, I felt something moving in my stomach. I felt a strong urge to vomit. I then fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit. In the slain state, I could not hear much of what he said, except that “this was witchcraft; it was meant to frustrate many things in your life, but God has delivered you”.

When I got up, I was COMPLETELY FINE! Glory to God!

Carol Achumo

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Healed of Chronic Stomach Complication

I had chronic stomach pain for about 3 years. This condition was quite strange in that it would constantly cause me to feel so hungry just a few minutes after having a full meal! Several visits to various medical specialists were all to no avail.
The Doctors could not identify the cause of the pain. They simply concluded that it was probably resulting from high acid levels in the stomach. They prescribed anti-acid medicines, which only gave me temporary relief occasionally but most times did not help at all.

Last Thursday, 9th of June 2016, while attending the Phaneroo service, even if I did not have the pain at the time, (I knew from experience that it would come at some point because I used to experience the pains daily), I decided to go to the front to be prayed for.

Apostle Grace laid hands on me and spoke healing over whatever issue I had. I left believing that I was healed. Indeed since that time, I HAVE NOT HAD ANY EPISODE of stomach pain. Moreover, my stomach now sustains food for a normal number of hours when I eat, so that I no longer strangely get hungry every few minutes!


Isaac Onen.

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Eye-sight restored

One morning I woke up feeling like my eyes were pressed in. From then , they would hurt alot and cause dizziness to the extent that my eye-sight was affected. I felt like that for a whole two months!

During the 31st December 2015 overnight prayers as Apostle Grace prayed, he said that a prophet that had a sight problem was being healed. At that instant I felt the power of the Holy Spirit come upon me. I could literally feel there was heat within me and around me. It was overwhelming , I just burst out in shouting. Then I felt lighter than before and I knew God had restored my sight.

My eyes felt weird but they are now perfect! My sight is COMPLETELY RESTORED! I Bless the Lord .

Hosanna Petronella

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Healed Of Back-Pain

I was bit by an insect , which caused my body to develop pimple-like inflamed swellings which formed pus. The swelling on my back was most painful. It made me feel pain on my whole right side of the back up to the head for a whole week. During the Phaneroo service on Thursday, 14th April 2016 Apostle Grace mentioned that, ” there is a lady here who has pain on the back, God is healing you, come”.I was one of the people who went to the front. He didn’t lay hands on me but just waved over me saying , “receive your healing”. The PAIN LEFT at that instant!

When I got home that evening, I checked my body and found that all the swellings had DRIED UP. I COMPLETELY HEALED! Praise the Lord!

Rahom Maria

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Healed of Chronic Cough due to TB

I had cough for two years as a result of a Tuberculosis (TB) infection which I had suffered in 2014. I would experience such a bad pain whenever I coughed, did strenuous activity, breathed-in deeply or even just laughed!

During one Phaneroo service, Apostle Grace shared a word of knowledge about someone who had cough for a long time. I went forth and while he prayed over me, the pain left.

By the end of service, I tried to breathe deeply and laugh and I realized that I could do these comfortably WITHOUT ANY PAIN WHATSOEVER! I now do not have cough; moreover I can now do strenuous activity with no difficulty at all! I thank God for his healing power!

Rachael Naluggwa

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