Phaneroo Devotion

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Do you want to introduce to the world an idea that will change how humanity does certain things The Holy
While we must demonstrate the power of God we must also explain how we demonstrate it Even more than this
We should not traditionalise Christ because it will kill our fire we should not philosophise Him because He chose foolishness
Don t be counted among the ones that sharpen their tongues with glee when they see a brother on the
Change your attitude towards any negative situation you may be facing and see it for what it is What may
Your relationship with God should not be transactional You must examine yourself and ask the genuine question am I praying
Feeling after God brings a divine emotional dimension to our relationship with Him and ensures that we do not grieve
Salvation is the greatest miracle Take the responsibility of soul winning much more seriously Let it be a part of
Because it is the purpose of God to seal instruction when He causes you to dream you should not forget
When you understand that you are indeed a spirit inhabiting a world of spirits you appreciate the need to understand
You must understand that God does not simply want us to be alive In the mind of the spirit that
A mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace This is the mind that you have as a child
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