One Thing Is Needful

Apostle Grace Lubega

Luke 10:42 (KJV); But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Martha invited the Christ to her home. However, the Bible reveals that she busied herself with preparing the meal and having to serve him (Luke 10:40).

Mary on the other hand understood a secret which was to sit at the master’s feet (Luke 10:39). As a result, the Lord said of her that she had found the one thing that was needful. He said what she had received would never be taken away from her.

There are many things in this world that may come to you which things can be taken away. You may get a job but it may not be permanent. You may serve in a ministry but that too can change. You may achieve great things in life but that status may change.

However, there is something you can receive when you sit in the Word of God which can never be taken away. There is a glory that works in your life when you sit in the Word and that glory increases every day. There is a distinction that comes to a man or woman who has learnt to simply sit at the feet of the Master and be taught of Him, and that distinction can never be questioned or imitated.

You may lose any thing but with what you receive by the Word of God, you will always get it all back. They may throw you in the remotest places but with this thing, people will dig roads across forests to get to you because you have the ultimate secret to success and greatness.

So child of God, purpose not to simply hear the Word but may the Lord Himself teach you.

Do not only attend church to hear the next sermon but be a student of the Word. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Colossians 3:16, 2 Timothy 2:15


You may lose any thing but with what you receive by the Word of God, you will always get it all back. They may throw you in the remotest places but with this thing, people will dig roads across forests to get to you because you have the ultimate secret to success and greatness.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for this Word. Thank you for the precious opportunity to be taught by you. My Lord I choose to simply sit at your feet and listen. I know that you desire to show me great and unsearchable things. My spirit is yielded and my heart is ready. Thank you for the great things your heart reveals.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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