Phaneroo Devotion

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We wait on God in the kairos and not the chronos moments. This means that true communion is defined by
As a believer, you must be very sensitive in the moments when God wants to elevate you. You must be
Kairos is the distinctive mark of discernment because it has signs. As the body of Christ, God has called us
When God calls you and gives you a mandate, do not be deceived into thinking that He does not have
When you find yourself in a difficult situation, it is important that you subject yourself to some sort of self-examination.
You have the Spirit of God. In you are ideas that can change nations regardless of differences in language because
When the Spirit of the Lord speaks through a man, the words of that man are capable of being translated
Because we are eternal, God has given us the liberty to walk in different times by the Spirit. By this,
God requires that the Church be more responsible now than it has ever been in the history of the world.
Because we are eternal, God has given us the liberty to walk in different times by the Spirit. By this,
You should not be in a place and men do not feel that God is in that place, because you
The Church of Christ cannot get to its next level of greatness without the power of revelation. This is the
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