Phaneroo Devotion

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To abide is to remain present with Christ, that is, to stay attuned to Him no matter where you are.
When you worship God in a deeper dimension, what comes out of you represents Christ; it is not a reason
In the life of the gospel, we serve as dead men living. It is this state of death in the
Never have a victim mindset or cower at the forces of darkness and evil. You have Him! If faced with
A man whose heart is perfect before God is a man of faith. If the eyes of the Lord run
Ask for nations and continents, for what no eye has seen, ear has heard and has not entered into the
The first horn of the altar of prayer is the promises of God. You cannot pray effectively without knowing and
Faith, by its nature, does not minister questions, it edifies.
A relationship with a scripture starts with its revelation in your spirit. It is out of this revelation that you
If your family does not accept you, God will give you one that does. If your nation despises you, God
The gift God has blessed you with is not so you fill your coffers but so you can be a
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