Phaneroo Devotion

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Any attack against you is slower than you. You can see it coming and do something about it. By this
A man who understands the doctrine of righteousness knows that nothing stops the God in him from doing His work.
When God anointed the great men of old, He had us in mind with something better and greater in view
We cannot be a generation that leaves no mark! We cannot lack any ancient oil to pass on to subsequent
You must live your life with the consciousness of the God in you and the God with you. We pray,
God can use anyone to leave His mark on the world. He is not deterred by your family background, skin
In extending grace to the world, God made Christ the object of grace. Grace and Christ cannot be separated. Jesus
When the Bible says that Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, it means that we should never doubt that
Truth is the voice of God in its purest form. The Spirit and the Word will always agree.
We are no longer in the dispensation of exclusivity of the presence of God. We are in a time where
The unsearchable things begin from the place of abiding. In the place of these unsearchable things, the gift ends.
The place beyond gifts is that of abiding. The man who has learnt to abide in God will always function
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