Phaneroo Devotion

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Prayer is one of the many ways in which we discover different places in God.
It is not the responsibility of the watchman to reveal to you the secret places in prayer; these are for
He that speaks in tongues edifies himself. Edification is in wisdom, piety and in virtue.
If your spiritual sight does not translate into knowledge, it is a form of blindness, regardless of how much you
When God gives us the liberty to see, some choose not to see; others see little. Elevate your vision to
The Church must be more deliberate in teaching, shaping and equipping the saints with sound knowledge. Knowledge matures us in
As long as you have been sent by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to do His work, lack is
God does not make assumptions when it comes to His promises. It is a SHOULD AFFAIR!
The Holy Spirit’s reservoir of knowledge and wisdom is bottomless. As such, any limitation that may arise is not in
Perception equals reality and reality is your world. Your life must be perceived through the revelation of Christ!
The more a man dies to his flesh, the more he lives unto God, the more he lives unto God,
Choose to pay the price to hear God! If it is consistent communion and waiting on Him, do it. If
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