When Your Days Are Numbered

Apostle Grace Lubega

Psalms 90:12 (KJV); So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

I once met a prophet from a nation where Christians are greatly persecuted. He has an underground church where services last for about fifteen minutes. And oh, what fifteen minutes they were!

These people live as though they will be going to heaven at any time.

I discovered that when a man lives his life as one who may be killed at any time, his approach to the things of God is different.

He does not pray like a man who thinks he has twenty years to live. He does not preach like a man who thinks he has fifty years on the earth. He cannot minister like a man who thinks he has time.

He invests every moment in things that profit the gospel because his days are numbered.

In a time when other men are laying down their lives for the sake of gospel, certain men are acting church, acting the presence of God and acting the anointing.

They pray when they want to, fast when they want to, believe when they feel like it or when it’s reasonable to believe God, read the Bible when they want, and spend all their precious time on the things of this world. That is because their days have not yet been numbered.

They haven’t learned to distinguish the permissible from the beneficial (1 Corinthians 6:12).

But that ought not to be your story child of God. Your days ought to be numbered. When they are, a distinctive wisdom starts to function and operate through you.

This wisdom causes you to understand the demands of divine purpose, the price of the gospel and the fact that heaven waits on you.

It is why you spend and are spent for the gospel, why you withhold nothing, why your blood is in the testament. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: Ecclesiastes 8:6-7, Colossians 4:5


Your days ought to be numbered. When they are, a distinctive wisdom starts to function and operate through you. This wisdom causes you to understand the demands of divine purpose, the price of the gospel and the fact that heaven waits on you.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I thank you for this knowledge. I thank you because your Spirit teaches me to number my days. I thank you for the freedom and liberty to serve you in my generation and those which shall come after me. I invest in eternity, even as you work in me daily, teaching me to profit, to walk in wisdom and to redeem the time. In Jesus’ name. Amen


Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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