The Manual For Living

Apostle Grace Lubega

Proverbs 6:23 (AMP); For the commandment is a lamp, and the whole teaching [of the law] is light, and reproofs of discipline are the way of life.

The Word of God is a manual for living.

Like our theme scripture reveals, “…the whole teaching [of the law] is light and reproofs of discipline are the WAY OF LIFE.”

Many of the mistakes we make are because we do not read the Word of God to understand what it says.

I assure you that the Word of God has an instruction for every decision you choose to make in this life.

There are people whose lives, when weighed against the standard of the Word, are bound to fail merely because they have frustrated every principle of the Word of God.

There are businesses some people start, marriages they enter into or careers they pursue in a manner that is contrary to the principles of the Word; it is always a matter of time, such people always fail.

That is why you must EXAMINE your life against the standard of the Word.

Never make major decisions and life changing steps when you have not shone the torch of the Word against those decisions.

Let the Word of God be your guide; to teach you how to build ministry or business; how to preserve a marriage; how to raise children; how to grow a career and how to maintain relationships. In essence, let the Word of God teach you how to live!!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 119:105, 2 Peter 1:19


The Word of God is a manual for living. Let the Word of God be your guide; to teach you how to build ministry or business; how to preserve a marriage; how to raise children; how to grow a career and how to maintain relationships. In essence, let the Word of God teach you how to live!!

PRAYER: My God, I thank You for the gift of the Word. Thank You because its broadness has made me broad; its depth has made me deep and its height has caused me to soar to great heights in the spirit. I heed to Your Word as my Light, my Great Guide and my Manual for living. Every decision I make is a Word decision. In this wisdom, I will never fail. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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