In Capable Hands

Apostle Grace Lubega

Psalms 105:14(NKJV); He permitted no one to do them wrong; Yes, He rebuked kings for their sakes.

I have counselled believers who have been so beaten by the storms of life that they were convinced that somehow, God, the very epitome of love, He that did not spare His own son, did not care about them.

It is indeed a sad state of affairs when a man conceives in his heart the great deception that God who is love has fallen short of the very lofty standard of His own personality.

I assure you, this is not so!

Our theme scripture says that He permits no one to do you wrong. What righteous justice!

The word used for “permit” in the scripture means “to allow, to tolerate, to give over or to grant one express license or liberty to do an act”.

This literally means that God can never allow or tolerate any one to do his children wrong. (Psalms 121:7-8).

God can never give you over to affliction, defeat or failure!

Every access and liberty the enemy would have used to do you harm was taken from him on the cross, and the keys handed over for your custody (Revelation 1:18).

You should never worry or lament about your life because the God that keeps you never sleeps neither slumbers. (Psalms 121:4).

You are the apple of God’s eye. (Psalms 17:8).

If He sent a cloud by the day to shelter the Israelites from the sun’s heat and a fire in the night to light their way, do you think He doesn’t care about you?

Child of God, even in your old age, the Lord promises to carry and bear you; He says He has done it and will keep doing it, carrying you on his back and saving you!! (Isaiah 46:4Msg).

You are in capable hands. God be praised!

FURTHER STUDY: Psalms 121:7-8, Isaiah 46:4(MSG).


God can never give you over to affliction, defeat or failure! You are the apple of God’s eye.

PRAYER: Oh what a blessed opportunity to be owned by a God so caring! I thank you Lord because you are the lifter of my head. You are my strong buckler, a friend that sticks closer than a brother. You are my shield and fortress! You have imprinted my picture on the palm of each of your hands. The hairs on my head are numbered! Thank you for caring about me to the tiniest details of my life! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Posted in: Phaneroo Devotion

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