Phaneroo Devotion

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The place beyond gifts is that of abiding. The man who has learnt to abide in God will always function
Prayer is not a duty. Love is a better master than duty. Fall in love with the presence of God;
Diligent prayer is diligent service.
Prayer should be more than a duty, it must become an identity because His house must be called a house
When you learn to pray, the power of God will always be available for you!
The degree of His presence that God expects you to enjoy is the richest measure of the divine presence. This
To abide is to remain present with Christ, that is, to stay attuned to Him no matter where you are.
When you worship God in a deeper dimension, what comes out of you represents Christ; it is not a reason
In the life of the gospel, we serve as dead men living. It is this state of death in the
Never have a victim mindset or cower at the forces of darkness and evil. You have Him! If faced with
A man whose heart is perfect before God is a man of faith. If the eyes of the Lord run
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