Phaneroo Devotion

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To live an instructed life is a choice. It is a deliberate decision to seek the mind of God on
The more God reveals Himself to you in the secret place, the more He safeguards you because He protects what
In the secret place, God teaches you to distinguish the many voices in the world and hear Him with clarity.
If you have the right vision of God, you will always be rightly instructed. In the secret place, we receive
No matter how persuasive a crowd might be; no matter how loud their chanting, be the one who hears God
We are in the days of knowledge. God wants us to repent and change our mindsets. This repentance requires that
The right way to pray is to the Father, through Jesus Christ.
Receive the Word and apply yourself to it as one who is sowing to the Spirit. Diligently and wholly give
Prayer must be continuous. It is not enough to pray once a week, once a month or only when you
We do not give to God simply because our minds have been convinced; we give because our hearts are CONVICTED
There is no glory in poverty. Wealth positions you in places of authority. It makes you a voice of counsel
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