Phaneroo Devotion

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When a man sees God, he dies. And many things are true about dead men: they do not draw back;
The true fountain of youth is THE PRESENCE OF GOD.
A great man serves even those that he is able to add to and bless.
Always 'keep your place' and leave it to God. He is just! As long as your heart is pure before
Always 'keep your place' and leave it to God. He is just! As long as your heart is pure before
Learn to shrug off certain things. People should not get to you so easily. Don't cling to grievances endlessly. Let
The Lord is God! When He instructs you on how something should be done, you must heed no matter how
You must cultivate and develop a God-consciousness. Do this by keeping the Word constantly in your spirit.
The fighting spirit is that which decides that it will fight till the end. As warriors, we do not fight
You must live a life that causes ripples in the realm of the spirit because you are an active participant.
Every powerful altar has three salient characteristics: an identity, a sacrifice and fire.
Prayer resulting from lust is tainted by selfishness; it uses God as the means to an end. When your prayers
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