Phaneroo Devotion

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Totality of freedom is what Christ has guaranteed. He saves to the uttermost. God does not do things in halves:
Knowledge teaches a man to guard his house because strongholds are in the mind. It is the cornerstone of true
It is the passion of the Holy Spirit to show you all the realms above the sword; to plunge you
You must learn to bring thoughts into captivity and ensure that they are obedient to truth. Exercise yourself to block
If you understand how faith works, NOTHING can fail or sink you!
It is inherent in the nature of faith to shrink distances and deliver results.
There are many principles that ensure that a man does not waste: diligence, commitment, fervency, churning your gift, excelling in
Whatever we minister must be translated as an invitation to men to the places in God that He seeks to
Your gift only positions you but it does not define the excellence of your service to God. It is only
Excelling in your service to God means that you undertake your tasks pertaining to ministry and the gospel with a
Deeper depths into divine truths are available any time, and to anyone who makes the choice to see. Every time
Cultivate intimacy with God. Let it be your personal ambition to know Him for yourself. That is the uniqueness of
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